The Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study is expected to be a 6-year project that will involve three main data collection components, each collected in three waves. The three components of data collection are:
In addition, an optional data collection component involves an in-person parent interview of nonrespondents to the parent telephone survey to assess and correct for potential sample bias in the telephone interview sample.
Parent interviews will be conducted in the spring/summer of year 1 (school year 1999-2000), year 3 (school year 2001-2002), and year 5 (school year 2003-2004), which will enable analysts to plot trends over time in factors reported by parents. Student and school data collection will be conducted in years 2, 3, and 5. The optional nonresponse study would be conducted in year 2.
Data analyses will be conducted as each wave of data is completed, with the final year of the
6-year project being devoted to comprehensive analyses of the full longitudinal data set.
A more detailed timeline of major project activities is presented below.
Date |
Activity |
10/99 |
Contact sample LEAs/special schools to request rosters of students. |
10/99-3/00 |
Follow up with nonresponding LEAs/special schools to obtain rosters. |
10/99-3/00 |
Receive student rosters; select students using specified sampling fractions for age and disability category. |
11/99-4/00 |
Contact parents of sampled students to inform of study participation and request consent for direct assessment and access to school records. |
Parent interviews, wave 1 |
3/00-6/00 |
Conduct wave 1 parent interviews. |
7/00-8/00 |
Prepare parent interview data for analysis. |
3/00-9/00 |
Prepare training materials for on-site professionals who will do direct assessments. |
Student tracking |
Ongoing |
Conduct tracking procedures to minimize sample attrition. |
Parent interviews, Nonresponse Study |
9/00-11/00 |
OPTION: Conduct in-person parent interviews in nonresponding households in high nonresponse communities for sample bias analysis. |
12/00 |
Construct weights. |
1/01-4/01 |
Analysis of wave 1 parent interview data. |
5/01 |
Submit draft report on wave 1 of parent interview data. |
7/01 |
Submit final report on wave 1 of parent interview data. |
11/00-2/01 |
Contact schools to confirm student attendance.* Implement follow-up procedures. |
11/00-1/01 |
Track mobile students to identify schools they currently attend. |
Table 2-1 (Continued) SEELS TIMELINE |
2/01-5/01 |
Mail wave 1 teacher survey and school program survey to principals for distribution to appropriate school staff who can best respond for individual students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
2/01-5/01 |
Mail wave 1 principal survey to principals of all schools attended by sample students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
6/01-8/01 |
Prepare school data for analysis. |
7/01-8/01 |
Contact parents by mail to identify school student is expected to attend in fall, year 3, school year 2001-2002. |
11/00-12/00 |
Contact LEAs/special schools to identify person to do direct assessment at each site. |
12/00-2/01 |
Contract with individuals to conduct direct assessments at each site. Distribute training materials. |
2/01-5/01 |
Conduct direct assessments. Implement follow-up procedures. |
6/01-8/01 |
Prepare assessment data for analysis. |
Student tracking |
Ongoing |
Conduct tracking procedures to minimize sample attrition. |
9/01-2/02 |
Weighting and analysis of direct assessment and school data. |
3/02-7/02 |
Submit draft and final versions of topical reports on students school programs, students school performance, and the linkages between them. |
Parent interviews, wave 2 |
3/02-6/02 |
Conduct wave 2 parent interviews. |
7/02-8/02 |
Prepare parent interview data for analysis. |
10/01-1/02 |
Contact schools to confirm student attendance. Implement survey follow-up procedures. |
11/01-1/02 |
Track mobile students to identify schools they currently attend. |
2/02-5/02 |
Mail wave 2 teacher survey and school program survey to principals for distribution to appropriate school staff who can best respond for individual students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
2/02-5/02 |
Mail wave 2 principal survey to principals of all schools attended by sample students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
6/02-8/02 |
Prepare school data for analysis. |
11/01-12/01 |
Contact LEAs/special schools to identify person to do wave 2 direct assessment at each site. |
12/01-2/02 |
Contract with individuals to conduct direct assessments at each site. Distribute training materials. |
2/02-5/02 |
Conduct direct assessments. Implement follow-up procedures. |
6/02-8/02 |
Prepare assessment data for analysis. |
Student tracking |
Ongoing |
Conduct tracking procedures to minimize sample attrition. |
Table 2-1 (Concluded) SEELS TIMELINE |
9/02-2/03 |
Weighting and analysis of wave 2 parent interview, direct assessment, and school data. |
3/03-8/03 |
Submit draft and final versions of topical reports on (1) trends in factors reported by parents and (2) trends in students school performance, and the linkages between students school programs and growth or change in performance. |
7/03-8/03 |
Contact parents by mail to identify school student is expected to attend in fall, year 5, school year 2003-2004. |
Parent interviews, wave 3 |
3/04-6/04 |
Conduct wave 3 parent interviews. |
7/04-8/04 |
Prepare parent interview data for analysis. |
10/03-1/04 |
Contact schools to confirm student attendance. Implement follow-up procedures. |
11/03-1/04 |
Track mobile students to identify schools they currently attend. |
2/04-5/04 |
Mail wave 3 teacher survey and school program survey to principals for distribution to appropriate school staff who can best respond for individual students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
2/04-5/04 |
Mail wave 3 principal survey to principals of all schools attended by sample students. Implement follow-up survey procedures. |
6/04-8/04 |
Prepare school data for analysis. |
11/03-12/03 |
Contact LEAs/special schools to identify person to do wave 3 direct assessment at each site. |
12/03-2/04 |
Contract with individuals to conduct direct assessments at each site. Distribute training materials. |
2/04-5/04 |
Conduct direct assessments. Implement follow-up procedures. |
6/04-8/04 |
Prepare assessment data for analysis. |
9/04-2/05 |
Analysis of wave 3 parent interview, direct assessment, and school data. |
3/05-8/05 |
Submit draft and final versions of topical reports on (1) trends in factors reported by parents, (2) trends in students school performance, and (3) trends in special education (e.g., comparisons of experiences at specified grade levels from one wave to another). |
* Parents will be asked in the wave 1 interview what school they expect the student to attend in the coming year.
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